Unzen City certified brand "Unzen Kurihara Negi" is a green onion with sweetness, aroma and texture grown at the foot of Mt. Unzen on the Shimabara Peninsula, Nagasaki Prefecture.
1448-39 Taira Bo, Kunimi-cho, Unzen City, Nagasaki Prefecture 859-1325 Tel / Fax. 0957-78-5350
About Unzen Kurihara green onions
Fields and products are a manifestation of our way of life. That's why I want to do everything I can.
My father died suddenly in the middle of his career as he turned from flowering trees to welsh onions. Having inherited the family business, my wife and I have been working hard to face the soil with the help of those around us. Now that the son and his wife have joined the agricultural trainees, we are now able to confidently provide this green onion with the name of the place of origin and the name of the family.
A total of 7ha of fields at the foot of Mt. Unzen is a small utopia built for the cultivation of green onions.
To everyone with pride in the green onions that seem to be the best.
Our field at an altitude of 450m. Only ripe compost is given in the highlands with high breathability and water permeability, and green onions with rich sweetness, fragrant flavor, and crisp texture grow.
Reassurance is one of the qualities, and the amount of pesticides is less than half the normal amount. The scallions that have been dug out are dried in the sun to remove excess parts and shipped the same day. We can deliver the best green onions to you only when the environment, conditions, and labor are met.
Registered trademarks (Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore), JGAP certification acquired
In recent years, we have been working on promoting branding such as overseas trademarks and JGAP certification, and have improved our name recognition such as being certified as the Unzen brand. As a result of such efforts, we have been nominated by restaurants in Nagasaki Prefecture and a famous frozen food manufacturer as "green onions with the same shape, taste, and texture". "Unzen Kurihara green onion" that brought out the good points of white onion and pushed it up. Please check with your five senses the workmanship that even food professionals recognize.
⑦ノウフクJAS……働く場としての農業と、働き手としての障害者をつなぐ「農福連携」を意味し、 地域の課題解決方法のひとつとして注目されています。多様な人がそれぞれの役割を持って働き、地域コミュニティを支えることで、持続可能な共生社会の実現を目指す取り組みです。